TicketSignup Tickets v1.1.16 Release Notes

These are release notes for the latest updates to the TicketSignup Tickets App on 10/06/2022.

1. Configuration Settings

1a) Implemented “Exact Match Lookup” Configuration Settings

The user can now set how quickly (if at all) the system should automatically bring up a search result when you have an exact match.

1b) Added Configuration Setting to control whether or not Tickets should display within the Purchase Info View.

This setting controls whether or not Individual Tickets should be displayed when viewing a Ticket Purchase. Unchecking this box will hide the entire “Tickets” section within the “Purchase” view.

1c) Added Configuration Option to Hide Store Items from Store Item Fulfillment View

This setting controls which Store Items should be visible in this Configuration when on the Store Purchase Fulfillment view. This could be useful when setting up configurations for different attractions that only need to focus on one type of store item fulfillment.

1d) Re-organized Preset / Configuration Settings

2. Store Changes

2a) Added “No Internet Connection” banners to Store Item Fulfillment screen.

This should make users more aware of situations where they have lost internet connectivity.

2b) Prevent navigation away from Store Fulfillment View if you have unsaved changes.

We now make users aware of unsaved edits in the Store Fulfillment View and present a confirmation dialog when navigating away from the screen with unsaved edits.

Other Changes

3a) Ticket Purchase Label Print Support

We now support printing from the Ticket Purchase Confirmation Page using the print icon in the top left.

3b) Added “Quick” Ticket Type Filter to Ticket/Purchase Lookup List

You can now very easily filter the Lookup List to display only Tickets and Purchases containing Tickets of a certain Ticket Type by using the Filter icon in the top left.

3c) UI Updates

We have made the Purchase Information, Store Purchases, and Tickets sections more user friendly in a few ways.

  • Headers will now stick to the top of the screen when scrolling through long lists
  • All headers are collapsible and will stay collapsed for all Ticket Purchase Views when navigating the app.
  • Made data lists more legible by right justifying the label and left justified the field data.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue causing errors with store fulfillment.
  • Fixed a bug causing Store Fulfillment counts to get reset when fulfilling other items.
  • Fixed a bug on Android causing Square devices to not stay connected after an app restart.
  • Fixed a bug on Android 13 causing Square permissions to not work correctly.

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