We continue to enhance TicketSignup’s MTE calendar-based reporting with the MTE Checkins by Date Report V2.

We released the first version of the CheckIns by Date Report this summer. The second version of the CheckIn Summary Report for MTE has three new features:
- Monthly summary progress bar to show the total number of tickets checked in per month (versus the total sold)
- Shading to easily see the dates with the highest percentage of check-ins. This makes it easy to track summary data per day while on site. It also provides valuable historic data post-event that can inform staffing, pricing, and caps for future events.
- Export option to download the checkins by date report, as shown below.

What’s Coming Next
The next update to the CheckIns by Date Report is a day view. Events can click into a date and get in-depth data with three levels of check-in data:
- Overall checkIns for the day with a progress bar
- Overall checkIns per ticket type for the day
- CheckIns per time slot and ticket type

In parallel, we are working to add CheckIn stats to the Ticket App. Events will be able to swipe across ticket types and scroll through time slots to view stats per date while on site using the Ticket App.

TicketSignup’s patent-pending MTE timed entry ticketing delivers a FREE and easy to use calendar-based interface to manage multi-date, timed entry ticketing, bookings, and admission.