MTE Timed Entry Wizard

As we take MTE out of beta this month, we are excited to introduce the MTE Timed Entry Wizard. Calendars and day of the week setup make it fast and easy to create timed entry events, bookings, and admissions.

Create a Timed Entry Event

Fill out your basic event info on the first step of the wizard. Then complete 4 easy steps to set up your MTE Timed Entry event.

  1. Create Tickets
  2. Select Dates
  3. Set up Time Slots and Customize Pricing & Caps
  4. Choose How You Want to Get Paid

Create Ticket Types

First, add ticket types. For example, General and VIP. For each ticket type, set a sales window start date. This is when sales open. You’ll be able to adjust pricing based on day of the week in the next step. After completing the wizard, you can add more advanced pricing (volume pricing, price increases, etc.)

Select Dates

Next, select the dates you will be open. There are quick select options to easily choose certain days of the week, all weekends, and/or all weekdays. You can select dates before and after the date range you entered in Step 1 of the MTE Wizard. You’ll also be able to add (and cancel) dates from the MTE Schedule after setting up your event.

Set Up Time Slots, Pricing, and Caps

Next, set up time slots for each ticket type and day of the week. Quick copy options streamline setup across ticket types and days. Adjust pricing (e.g., charge more for Fridays and Saturdays) and set optional caps easily. Behind the scenes, TicketSignup’s MTE database is creating rules per ticket type and day of the week. You’ll be able to make additional adjustments from the Dashboard. For example, charge more for admission only on Friday the 13th.

Choose How You Want to Get Paid

Link an existing payment account that you have already used. Or create a new payment account, send setup instructions to the person in charge of your organization’s finances, or use in test mode. Learn more about how to set up a payment account here.

With TicketSignup, events get weekly payouts by default. Daily payments are available upon request and approval.

MTE Timed Entry Wizard

TicketSignup’s patent-pending database architecture and calendar-based interfaces make it easy to setup, manage, and report on your event. The MTE Timed Entry Wizard is user friendly so that any timed entry event can set up their event

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