Sponsors play a key role in many events, and displaying them on your website can be a crucial portion of your sponsor agreement. TicketSignup’s Website Builder gives you flexible options to display your sponsors and direct traffic to their site. You can simply add logos to your website homepage, create a separate menu item and page for sponsor details, or both!
This blog reviews our favorite ways to add sponsor logos to your event website:
- Option 1: Cards Components
- Option 2: Images
- Option 3: Alternative Image Layouts
- Option 4: Single Image
- Option 5: Slideshow
Option 1: Cards Components
Best for: a lot of sponsors, additional sponsor information & links, and flexible sponsor displays.
The cards component in Website Builder lets you create a dynamic display of multiple options. Whereas columns are limited to two, you can add up to 4 cards in a single row on your website.
You can check out the how-to for a detailed look at creating cards, Cards include an image that displays at the top or left (depending on the number of cards), as well as customizable text. Each card can be linked to an external site (like a sponsor website).

Cards Pro Tip
A word of warning about cards: the image on your card can crop differently depending on the number of cards in a column, and on mobile versus desktop. To ensure your sponsor logo does not get cropped, we recommend using this Canva template and keeping all important imagery within the center square. Always test your cards on different device types!
Example: Sponsor Display with a 4 Column Cards Component:

Example: Sponsor Display with a 2 Column Cards Component:

Option 2: Images
Best for: a limited numbers sponsors, logo-focused sponsors.
The next option for adding sponsors to your event website is to use the image component. Most likely, you’ll want to do this with 2-column sections, and then add an image for each column. Within the image gallery, you can easily set your images to align the away you want (left, right, or centered), update the sizing for the image display, and add a link (if any).

Image Pro Tips
- Consistent Image Size: First, it’s best to start with images (sponsor logos) that are all the same size. We like to use a Canva to upload all sponsor images to a standard image size (like 500×300) and center the logos within the space to ensure conformity even with vastly different logo styles.
- Borders and Rounding: Second, use the section settings to determine if you want borders and/or rounding on your image sections. We recommend no borders if you want the logos to just look like a part of the website. If you have added links to the sponsor logos and want them to look like distinct blocks, adding a small border and rounding provides separation between the logos.

Example: Sponsor Display with a Images (with and without Borders)

Option 3: Alternative Image Layouts
Best for: a limited numbers sponsors, details and calls to action needed.
This option uses images, text components, and buttons to imitate the information display and calls to action available in cards. Because it is only possible in a 2-column layout and takes a lot of vertical space, we typically recommend this if you don’t have a large number of sponsors (or if it’s on a dedicated sponsor page). You can use the components in any order you wish; for the example, we laid it out to be an image component, text component, then a button.
Alternative Image Layout Pro Tip
Like with plain images, you can adjust the section settings to add (or remove) a border and rounding on each sponsor section. This can help tie together the multiple blocks used for this sponsor display.
Example: Sponsor Display with a Alternative Image Layout with Images, Text, and Buttons

Option 4: Single Image
Best for: a simple sponsor display for more than 4 logos, with no individual links.
If you merely want to add your sponsor logos to your website and do not need to add individual links or detailed information, you can add a single image including all logos.
Alternative Image Layout Pro Tips
- Create your image: We recommend using Canva to upload all your sponsor logos and create a cohesive image.
- Section settings: As with all images, you can use the section settings to add (or remove) a border. For this type of layout, using no border can make the images appear to be a part of the website
- Mobile caution: Because you’re using only one image, each individual logo will likely show relatively small on a mobile device. This might not be the best option if visibility is very important to your sponsors.
Example: Sponsor Display with a Single Image

Option 5: Slideshow
Best for: A large display for each sponsor; no calls to action needed.
The slideshow component allows you to add up to ten sponsors to your website in a rotating slideshow. While this creates a big display for the sponsors, be aware that sponsors later in the slideshow may not get as much visibility and weigh that in your decision.
Alternative Image Layout Pro Tip
Use an image builder like Canva to add logos to a an image base that’s the same size and dimensions (like 2000×1000). If you upload logos with different dimensions, you may end up with some awkward spacing around the slideshow.
Example: Sponsor Display with a Slideshow

There’s no right or wrong way to add sponsors to your event website. TicketSignup’s Website Builder provides flexibility to pick the option that makes the most sense for your event and your sponsors. Whatever you choose, if you think it shows off your sponsors especially well, we’d love to see it – email us at info@ticketsignup.io to share!