Custom Source Tracking Codes for TicketInsights

Ticket events can get even more data and analytics from TicketInsights with the release of Source Tracking Codes for ticket events. TicketInsights automatically tracks the page views, tickets sold, and transaction $s from referring websites and emails sent from TicketSignup’s free Email Marketing. Now you can also create custom tracking codes to track your ROI for specific links and campaigns, like Google Ads, paid advertising, sponsor promotions, emails sent from external platforms, and more.

Custom source tracking data is displayed in TicketInsights. There is a new row for Custom Source. When you click it, you can see the page views, tickets sold, and transaction $s for each custom source link.

You can also easily monitor ROI for each custom source link that you create.

How to Create Source Tracking Codes

Navigate to Promotions >> Source Tracking Codes. Next, click Add Code to create a unique code.

Add a Description that describes the source clearly. For example, Google Ad. If you have multiple Google Ads, add a date or unique descriptor so that you can easily differentiate between your custom source tracking codes. You can also add an Amount Spent, which will generate the ROI calculation. If you did not spend money but want to track the return, you can leave Amount Spent at $0. Then click Create Code.

How to Use Custom Source Tracking Codes

Click the icon for Links associated with a custom source tracking code.

There are two links for each tracking code that you add. Event Website goes to the homepage. Event Registration Page goes to the first step of the ticket purchase path. There is a unique parameter associated with each link, which is how we enable tracking and insights for each code.

Depending on the source, you may prefer to direct people to the main website or the purchase path. You can highlight the URL that you want visitors to be directed to and copy & paste into your ad, email, website, blog, etc. that links to your ticket event.

Custom Source Tracking Codes for TicketInsights adds even more power to TicketSignup’s free event websites. With understandable and actionable analytics that are purpose-built for events, you can leverage TicketInsights to direct your ad spend and communications to activities that generate ticket sales.

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