Photos for Ticket Events

TicketSignup’s free photo platform enables your organization to create unlimited albums to host photos on your free ticket event website. This is a part of our major Photos 2.0 upgrade.

Featuring your event photos directly on your branded event website is a great way to promote your event to interested attendees. Additionally, you can drive traffic to your event website after your event is over as supporters view, download, and share event photos to social media.

You can add photo albums to your Ticket Event website by navigating to Photos >> Upload Photos.

If you haven’t already created a photo album, you’ll be prompted to add one. You are able to create as many albums as you would like to organize your photos. That means you could have a single album for the overall event, name albums by different locations or days of the event, or add an album for each different part of the event.

You’ll then be prompted to upload your photos. You can add one or many images at one time. Note that photo files should be JPG, PNG, and/or GIF. You can drag and drop photos one-by-one or click upload to find a photo or folder of photos. In the screenshot below, I uploaded a folder with 8 photos.

Click Upload All to process and upload the photos. Click the success message to view your uploaded photos. From there you can easily remove images from the album.

The photos will automatically display on your website:

You can return to Upload Photos to add more photos to an existing album, or create additional albums. New albums will also display on your website.

When visitors click into an album, they are given options to download and share photos on social media:

You can also click any image to view a full screen image, and navigate through the album.

Right now, photo albums will automatically show on your Ticket Event page. You can better highlight your photos by adding a Cover Page and creating buttons that go directly to albums.

TicketSignup is continuously releasing new features, and there are more photo capabilities on the way!

Ticket event photos help market your events and drive traffic to your event website – perfect for increasing ticket sales and growing engagement!

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