One of the most powerful TicketInsights features on your dashboard is the ability to create custom source tracking links. Track website views, sign ups, and donations from any source with a unique tracking link. In addition to URLs, you can now save and copy QR codes for custom source tracking links. This makes it easy to leverage custom source tracking on posters, flyers, signs, and more.
Navigate to Promotion >> Source Tracking Codes. Create a new code, or click the link icon on an existing code. Right click to Copy the QR code for either the ticket website or first step of the ticket purchase path.
One example of how events use QR Codes for Custom Source Tracking Links is on posters that attendees scan to buy tickets or add-ons on site at the event. By using a QR Code with a custom source tracking link, you’ll see detailed data on how many people bought tickets from their phones on site. Another example is putting up posters in local stores, breweries, and more. Include a QR code and get a better idea of how much foot traffic and sign ups different locations generate.