MTE Timed Entry Self-Serve Ticket Transfers

Reduce customer support and provide a best-in-class attendee experience with MTE Timed Entry self-serve Ticket Transfers. Enable self-serve ticket transfers for attendees to transfer their own tickets to a different date, time slot, and/or ticket type. Your event controls the parameters, including cutoff dates, optional transfer fees, and transfer settings.

Enable MTE Timed Entry Self-Serve Ticket Transfers

To allow attendees to transfer their tickets, go to Tickets >> Ticket Management >> Ticket Transfers. When enabled, a form expands with several settings options.

  • Cutoff Time Options: This can be a specific date that applies to ALL event dates. For example, a holiday lights show offers ticket transfers until November 15th at 1:00pm.

    Alternatively, you can set a rolling cutoff relative to the time slot start and end time. For example, allow holiday light show ticket holders to transfer their own tickets up until 1 Day Before the date and time on their current tickets.
  • Ticket Transfer Fee: Events can optionally charge a fee when attendees transfer their own tickets. This can provide both flexible options AND additional revenue. Enter 0 to make transfers free.
  • Ticket Transfer Capacity Options: By default, transfers are not allowed into sold out time slots. You can edit this option to always allow transfers into sold out tickets, or allow transfers into a time slot if it was not sold out before the transfer up to a set number of tickets. For example, if there were 2 spots left for the General Ticket at 9am on 12/4, an attendee could transfer 6 tickets (but not 7 or more) with the below setup.
  • Ticket Transfer Pricing Options: By default, all price differences are charged. You can allow transfers without charging ticket price differences by checking this setting. Note that original amount paid will not be refunded if the attendee transfers to a less expensive ticket type, date, or time slot.

Attendee Self-Serve Ticket Transfer Experience

TicketSignup makes it easy and password-free for attendees to transfer their own tickets. From the email verified confirmation email or Ticket Lookup, attendees can click Manage Tickets. When Ticket Transfers are enabled, there is an option to transfer tickets.

Next, attendees can select a new ticket type, date, and/or time slot. Their original ticket information displays above the new ticket and date selection.

The checkout cart displays the new tickets, new and transferred store items, and event transfer credits. For example, in this example the new tickets are $75 vs the original $50 ticket price, so the attendee must pay the difference of $25. If transfer fees or ignore price differences are enabled by the events, those settings get taken into account in the checkout cart. Applicable sales tax is automatically calculated, collected, and remitted for all purchases including transfers.

Attendees receive a confirmation email with a QR code for their new purchase, and are prompted to add their new tickets to their digital wallet.

Ticket Transfer Report

You can view all transferred tickets by navigating to Reports >> Ticket Transfer Report. View and export ticket transfer data, including purchaser, transfer dates, credits and amount paid, and old and new tickets.

What’s Coming Next?

In the near term we are making some updates and enhancements to the Ticket Transfer Report, including displaying all director initiated transfers and distinguishing whether a transfer was via the director or self-serve. Additionally, we will add a setting to allow non checked-in tickets to be transferred to a different date.

The first version of MTE Timed Entry Self-Serve Ticket Transfers is an overall setting. Next year, we will add date overrides. For example, allow a rained out night to transfer tickets until the end of the event for free while all other tickets must pay a $5 fee and can only transfer up until a day before their ticket date.

TicketSignup’s Ticket Management makes customer service seamless. Give attendees options, reduce refunds/chargebacks, and make extra revenue with self-serve ticket transfers for any timed entry event.

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